New Mini Album from Recycled Paper

Every students or office workers need a lot of papers to support their activity. But sometime they were mistaking when used the paper so the papers became rubbish and only thrown into garbage or stacked in the warehouse. Actually, we produce a lot of trash from papers everyday. It just rubbish from papers not from the others. How can we imagine stack of rubbish in our environment? And what will we do to decrease rubbish in our environment?

This time to people who care with environment to show up the creativity. Creativity to change the rubbish of paper become something new and have values. We try to learn entrepreneurship from the recycled papers. So not only keep our environment but also get  advantage from that. We can make mini album or scrapbook with other material to complement the good scrapbook with the high values. It just need creativity, desire and the important material is recycled paper.  We can start now from paper which stored in our warehouse. 

How to make mini album or scrapbook
  1. Prepare all material. We must filter paper intact. We can use HVS paper, A4 paper, book paper, box and the other paper which we ever used.  Cause our mision was recycling. Prepare the other material such as watercolor, spidol, pen, ribbon, lace, glue, cutter or scissors and etc. We make as our creativity and we must choose the theme what we want to made. Print the picture which we want to patched in there.
  2. Explore our creative ideas to make that. We can add color in the recycled paper and make our own pattern. We can make from the cover and then prepare the background theme, just do it with our own style. And we can patch the other material such as ribbon, lace, picture or sticker. Or maybe we can make origami from that recyled paper after slice the size of paper.

If we want to make the best mini album or scrapbook, just try new design and creativity dilligently. It just make simple thing to decrease rubbish in our environment. We keep our world with used rubbish become something new, different and also have values. Because we want to make our environment become green, clean, decrease rubbish and also increase economic society with greenpreneur.

April Fatmasari
Assalamualaikum. Saya seorang ibu rumah tangga yang memutuskan kembali mengajar sebagai guru komputer sekolah dasar. Memiliki ketertarikan dengan kepenulisan, pengasuhan, literasi anak, terutama read aloud. Belajar berbagi memaknai kehidupan dengan tulisan. Jika ingin menjalin kerja sama, dapat dihubungi melalui

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