Mimpi itu tidak dilarang kan.
Allah will not give something we want but Allah will give something we need .. So, if our dreams didn't catch now, lets see in the future what will happen? And we can introspection our self why it happened for us?
But i believe one by one our dream will be reach.
There can be Miracle when you Believe ˆ⌣ˆ
One of my dreams became true!
I write in my paper, "I must have a short story or more in last year."
I just write that but Allah give me more. My story became the one of short story in a book with the title, "Berjilbab itu Indah." That contest held by Department Keputrian JMMI ITS.

that's reward for me :)
Okey, lets write down our dreams and lets reach our next dream to change our better world! Bismillah!
"dan jika Allah menimpakan suatu bencana kepadamu maka tidak ada yang tidak dapat menghilangkannya kecuali Dia. dan jika Allah menghendaki kebaikan bagi kamu maka tidak ada yang dapat menolak karunia-Nya. Dia memberikan kebaikan kepada siapa saja yang Dia kehendaki di antara hamba - hamba-Nya. Dia Maha Pengampun Maha Penyayang" Q.S Yunus:107
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